Client: Baby Björn
3D/CGI: Good Monday

These CG images are a few years old now, but this is still one of my dearest projects. I was modeling a lot in ZBrush and I was really trying to push myself to sculpt all the details in this baby carrier. It was actually just made as ”a test” for a client.. but I saw it as a test for myself. Modeling and rendering was made in Cinema 4D and ZBrush.

Still one of my proudest 3D moments!


Design overview.


Work in progress.


Blueprints sketches.

Due to the pitch idea of this project then I didn’t have any accurate blueprints to work with, so I had to design my own hand-drawn references. I also had a physical baby carrier to analyze all the details.

Wireframe render.

I modeled the baby carrier inside of Maxon Cinema 4D and ZBrush. ZBrush was used heavily for all the soft-cloth details such as the wrinkles and folds in the fabrics, but I also created all the straps directly in ZBrush.

Clay render.

This is the step when I often start to lose focus and instead start to play with lighting and test rendering. The model is almost finished and you can really start to “feel the surface” even without any materials applied.


TV4 / Syrror


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